Blacksmith. Song of two Kings.

by Pavel Leksin

The Developer Says...

In this 2D fantasy game you play a role of a blacksmith who literally handcrafts weapons, shields, armor, magic staffs and many other marvellous items.

Players Like...

❤ Hands-on Crafting Experience

Players use a variety of tools such as hammers, saws, tongs, and anvils to actively shape, bend, and assemble raw materials like metal, wood, and bone into the desired final products. Reviewers widely praise this physicality of the crafting process, where players must manually manipulate the materials, as a uniquely satisfying and immersive experience.

❤ Progression and Complexity

As players progress, the game gradually introduces more advanced crafting techniques and increasingly complex orders, such as creating magical objects. Reviewers highlight how the game effectively teaches new skills, allowing players to develop a deeper understanding of the mechanics and a sense of progression in their crafting abilities. The ability to revisit and repeat orders also enables players to continuously refine their skills.

❤ Attention to Detail

Many reviewers appreciate the level of detail and realism in the crafting mechanics. Players must carefully shape metal, cut wood, and assemble components with precision to create high-quality items that closely match the provided blueprints. The satisfaction of improving one's craftsmanship over time is a significant draw for players.

❤ Versatility and Experimentation

While the game presents specific crafting orders, reviewers note that there are often multiple approaches to achieve the desired result. Players can experiment with different techniques, tools, and material combinations, encouraging a sense of creativity and problem-solving. This versatility in the crafting process is praised for adding depth and replayability to the gameplay.

❤ Atmospheric Immersion

Reviewers highlight the game's ability to create a cozy, atmospheric, and immersive experience. The hand-drawn art style, ambient sounds, and the overall fantasy setting contribute to a sense of being a blacksmith in a unique, high-fantasy world. The narrative elements and character interactions further enhance the immersive nature of the gameplay.

❤ Challenges and Shortcomings

Some players have noted occasional technical issues, such as bugs or control sensitivity problems, as well as a desire for more quality-of-life features, such as better tutorials, the ability to view blueprints during crafting, and options to prevent accidental item disposal. However, many reviewers acknowledge that the developer has been responsive to feedback and actively working to address these concerns.

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