You Suck at Parking® - Complete Edition

by Happy Volcano, Curve Games

The Developer Says...

You Suck at Parking® is the only racing game where your goal is to stop and parking your ride is more important than your driving skills. It’s a hot race against the clock as you drift, cruise, and go airborne over 250 frustratingly fun, wild levels.

Players Like...

❤ Unique and Challenging Gameplay

The core gameplay revolves around the unique premise of prioritizing parking over driving skills. Players must navigate their car through diverse levels, avoiding obstacles and utilizing the environment, with the ultimate goal of accurately parking their vehicle within a designated spot. The inability to reverse the car makes this seemingly simple task increasingly challenging, requiring players to plan their approach and execute precise maneuvers to successfully park their car, leading to a highly satisfying and rewarding experience.

❤ Diverse and Cleverly Designed Levels

The game features over 250 levels, each presenting unique challenges and obstacles for players to overcome. These "frustratingly fun" and "wild" levels incorporate a variety of environmental elements and gimmicks, such as drifting around corners, navigating through traffic, and avoiding hazards. The levels are designed to continuously present new and engaging challenges, keeping the gameplay fresh and exciting.

❤ Skill-Based Progression and Leaderboards

One of the key appeals is the opportunity for players to continuously improve their skills and compete for high rankings on the global leaderboards. The game's tight controls and responsive physics allow skilled players to master the art of parking through precise timing and expert maneuvering. Perfecting the levels and achieving the fastest times is a significant draw for many players, who enjoy the challenge of honing their skills and pushing the limits of their parking abilities.

❤ Multiplayer Chaos and Competition

The game's multiplayer component is highlighted as a standout feature, offering a chaotic and fun experience for players to compete against one another. The ability to host private sessions with friends or join public matches against random players adds an extra layer of excitement and social interaction to the gameplay. Players describe the multiplayer mode as a "riot" and a great way to engage in competitive and cooperative parking challenges.

❤ Accessibility and Replayability

The game is praised for its accessibility, with the simple controls and quick, bite-sized levels making it easy for players of all skill levels to pick up and enjoy. The cartoonish and colorful art style contributes to its appeal, creating a lighthearted and family-friendly atmosphere. Additionally, the game's high replayability is noted, with players finding satisfaction in perfecting their times on individual levels and climbing the global leaderboards.

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