
by Lepioid LLC

The Developer Says...

After the moon vanished, the fantasy world of Settlemoon lays abandoned in darkness. Re-light the skies, and provide a rest stop for adventurers in a town that updates in real time. Grow your town to attract strange visitors, and discover happened to this world.

Players Like...

❤ Gradual Town Growth and Management

You gradually grow and manage a small fantasy town over time. The core loop involves setting up buildings and shops, sending out adventurers on quests to gather resources, and then using those resources to craft and sell items to attract more visitors. The game progresses in real-time, even when you're not actively playing, allowing you to check in periodically to maintain and expand your town.

❤ Idle Progression System

A key aspect is the idle progression system. The game continues to run and advance even when you're not actively playing - adventurers complete quests, items sell in shops, and the town gradually evolves. This relaxed, low-maintenance approach to progression appeals to many players.

❤ Exploratory and Nonlinear Gameplay

Rather than explicitly guiding you, the game takes a more exploratory approach. The systems and story are not fully explained upfront, encouraging you to experiment and discover how things work for yourself. This nonlinear, self-directed style appeals to players who enjoy piecing together the game's mysteries.

❤ Resource Management

Managing the resources gathered by adventurers is crucial. You must decide how to allocate them - crafting new items, upgrading buildings, or fulfilling quests. This resource management provides depth and strategic thinking as you optimize productivity and profitability.

❤ Visual Customization and Aesthetics

In addition to functional buildings, you can customize and decorate your town, shaping its aesthetic and atmosphere. The visual customization, combined with the charming pixel art style, is a major draw for many players.

❤ Emergent and Evolving Gameplay

As you progress, new mechanics and systems gradually unlock, leading to an evolving and emergent experience. The openness and lack of hand-holding encourages experimentation and discovery, creating a sense of personal investment in your town's development that many players praise.

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