Calcium Contract

by Igor Aleksandrowicz

The Developer Says...

Calcium Contract is a fast-paced first-person shooter where you're on a mission to finish a contract that got out of hand. Learn to swiftly move around your enemies and master your arsenal as you fight your way toward the grand finale. Includes a unique score-attack mode in ever-changing arenas.

Players Like...

❤ Wielding a Unique Arsenal

Players start each level with only a scythe, but can soon acquire a diverse array of unconventional weapons. These include a trident-like pistol with infinite ammo that fires ricocheting projectiles, a shotgun, a rifle, and a bone launcher that splits its projectiles upon impact. Each weapon has distinct properties that add depth to the combat, forcing players to adapt their strategies based on the tools available in a given level.

❤ Rewind Time to Undo Mistakes

One of the game's standout features is the ability to rewind time after dying. Instead of relying on checkpoints or manual saves, players can instantly rewind to any point in the level, allowing them to quickly undo mistakes and experiment with different approaches. Reviewers praise this mechanic as "genius," as it keeps the pacing tight and eliminates frustration, even when facing challenging encounters.

❤ Fighting a Menagerie of Bizarre Enemies

The game's enemies are the highlight for many players, with a wonderfully creative and chaotic bestiary. Gamers will find themselves fending off angry rooster men, gun-wielding cats, teleporting jesters, and even flying, gas-spewing frogs. These foes exhibit unique behaviors and work together in interesting ways, forcing players to adapt their tactics and master the game's systems.

❤ Navigating Complex, Fair Levels

The game's levels are described as complex yet intuitive, with a non-linear layout that encourages exploration and replayability. Reviewers note that the levels strike a good balance between combat encounters, key-finding, and environmental hazards, providing a suitably challenging experience that never feels unfair.

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