Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller

by Phoenix Online Studios, Phoenix Online Publishing

The Developer Says...

FBI agent Erica Reed has an uncanny talent: she can see the past and piece together how a crime unfolded. But not even this sixth sense could save her younger brother, Scott, from a brutal serial killer. Three years later, the investigation into Scott’s murder has gone cold -- but Erica’s work has only just begun.

Players Like...

❤ Story and Characters

The narrative centers around Erica Reed's quest to solve her brother's murder, which is woven into a larger mystery involving a series of gruesome serial killings. Players are invested in Erica's personal journey and the high stakes involved.
The story features sharp plot twists and meaningful choices that give players a sense of impact on the unfolding events, rather than feeling railroaded.
Erica is a complex protagonist whose psychic abilities and troubled past make her a compelling and relatable character that players want to follow.

❤ Gameplay Mechanics

Erica's cognition abilities, such as seeing past events through objects and delving into characters' memories, provide unique ways for players to gather clues and solve crimes that feel closely tied to the game's themes and Erica's character.
The puzzles are challenging yet logical, requiring players to think critically and combine various pieces of evidence in creative ways to progress.
The ability to highlight interactive objects in each scene eliminates frustrating pixel-hunting, allowing players to focus on the core detective work.

❤ Audio and Presentation

The haunting and atmospheric soundtrack enhances the game's tense, psychological thriller tone and helps players feel immersed in the dark, gritty world.
The comic book-inspired visual style, with its striking panel layouts and cinematic cutscenes, sets Cognition apart from traditional point-and-click adventures and suits the game's mature, thriller-driven narrative.

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