Idle Taoist Mage Warrior

by okyakusama, okyakusama

The Developer Says...

Are you familiar with the three major professions of warrior, mage, and Taoist. Simple placement gameplay.

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Overview

The title features three playable classes - warriors, mages, and Taoists. Each class possesses unique skills and abilities that players must strategically combine to overcome challenges. The core gameplay loop involves assembling a party of these three classes, equipping them with diverse loot obtained from defeating monsters, and utilizing their complementary abilities to emerge victorious.

❤ Combat System

The turn-based combat system revolves around the interplay between the three character classes. Warriors excel at anti-monster abilities and direct offensive output, mages wield powerful group spell skills, and Taoists focus on summoning and support abilities. Players must carefully position and command their party members to leverage the strengths of each class against the game's enemy encounters.

❤ Gear Progression

The game boasts a robust equipment system with nearly 200 unique pieces of gear. While some items are universal, most equipment is class-specific, requiring players to carefully manage their character loadouts. The highest level of gear available is 40, providing a meaningful grind for players to pursue as they strengthen their party.

❤ Exploration and Customization

In addition to the core combat, the title offers exploration-based activities, such as mining resources and participating in cultivation. Players can also customize their units by upgrading their attack and defense stats through the practice system.

❤ Player Enjoyment

According to overwhelmingly positive user reviews, players have thoroughly enjoyed the game's engaging gameplay loop. The combination of class-based combat, gear progression, and additional exploration elements has resonated with the community. Many have praised the absence of microtransactions and the satisfying grind-and-upgrade cycle, although some have noted the game may be initially overwhelming for newcomers.

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