by Forever Entertainment S. A.

The Developer Says...

FRONT MISSION 1st: Remake is an immersive, tactical turn-based RPG, placing you in command of the awe-inspiring Wanzers – powerful military machines.

Players Like...

❤ Tactical Turn-Based Mech Combat

Players command squads of powerful mech units called "Wanzers" in turn-based combat. Each Wanzer has a body, left arm, right arm, and legs that players can customize with a variety of weapons and equipment. This deep strategic customization allows players to outfit their Wanzers with different combinations of short-range, long-range, and specialized weapons to suit their preferred playstyle. The turn-based combat system requires careful planning and positioning of units. Players must target specific parts of enemy Wanzers, focusing fire on weak points or spreading damage across the enemy mech. This adds an extra layer of strategy as players decide the optimal approach to disabling or destroying the enemy.

❤ Progression and Customization

As players progress through the game's two campaigns, they can level up their Wanzer pilots and unlock new parts and weapons. The progression system enables significant build variety, allowing players to create missile-focused squads, short-range brawler units, and balanced hybrid forces. Customizing Wanzers and equipping the right mix of weapons and parts is crucial to success, as the combat can be quite punishing at higher difficulty levels. Players appreciate the depth of the customization system and the ability to fine-tune their mechs to counter specific enemy threats.

❤ Difficulty and Replayability

The game features multiple difficulty settings, catering to players of various skill levels. On higher difficulties, the combat is noted for its unforgiving yet fair challenge, requiring strategic depth to overcome. The two campaigns, representing the perspectives of the Oceania Cooperative Union (OCU) and the Unified Continental States (UCS), provide a substantial amount of content and replayability. While the OCU campaign may be more drawn-out, the UCS campaign offers a more engaging and compelling narrative. Additionally, the game's Arena mode allows players to take on increasingly difficult challenges, further extending the gameplay experience. Players can use the Arena to grind and fine-tune their Wanzer builds.

❤ Faithful Recreation with Modern Enhancements

The game maintains the core mechanics and strategic depth of the original SNES title while incorporating modern quality-of-life improvements. The visuals have been updated with crisp, 3D graphics and a reorchestrated soundtrack, enhancing the classic experience. Reviewers noted that the game includes new features such as a free camera, a tactical map, and multiple difficulty settings, helping to make the game more accessible to modern players while preserving the essence of the original.

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