FINAL FANTASY® XI: Ultimate Collection Seekers Edition

by Square Enix

The Developer Says...

BEGIN A NEW JOURNEY WITH THE COMPLETE EDITION OF FINAL FANTASY XIEnter an online multiplayer RPG that challenges players to journey through the world of Vana’diel® — a world of fantasy, adventure, and exploration.Heed the call and join players from around the world to become the hero that Vana’diel needs.

Players Like...

❤ The Combat System Promotes Strategic Depth

The combat system centers around an "auto-attack" mechanic, where characters automatically attack when within range of an enemy. Players can then supplement these auto-attacks with spells, weapon skills, and job-specific abilities. This creates a more strategic, deliberate combat experience compared to the action-oriented combat found in many other MMOs. The combat also revolves around skillchain mechanics, where players can time their weapon skills and spells to create powerful combo effects. Properly executing and capitalizing on skillchains requires coordination and forethought, adding depth to the battles. Additionally, the ability to instantly swap gear during combat allows players to optimize their loadout for specific situations, further enhancing the strategic nature of the encounters.

❤ The Expansive Job System Offers Diverse Playstyles

The game features an extensive job system with 22 distinct jobs to choose from, each with their own unique playstyles and abilities. Players can even combine primary and subjob classes to create hybrid builds, allowing for a high degree of customization and experimentation. The variety of jobs, from support roles like White Mage to damage-dealing classes like Ninja, enables players to fill diverse party roles and approach combat in unique ways. This job system is widely praised by players as one of the game's strongest features.

❤ Challenging Progression and Rewarding Endgame Content

Leveling up in the game does not simply hand out levels and gear, requiring players to put in the time and effort to progress. At the endgame, players can take on highly challenging content such as Notorious Monsters (NMs) and High-Endgame Monsters (HNMs), which require extensive coordination and preparation to defeat. The sense of accomplishment from overcoming these difficult encounters is a major draw for dedicated players. Expansion packs and ongoing updates have allowed the developers to continually expand the endgame with new challenges and content for veteran players.

❤ Engaging Exploration and Immersive Storytelling

The expansive world of Vana'diel features a wide variety of environments, from lush forests to barren deserts, each with their own unique enemies, quests, and points of interest. Traversing this world is made more engaging through the lack of quest markers or other handholding elements, requiring players to rely on maps, NPC dialogue, and their own navigational skills to find their way. The game's story and lore, delivered through extensive dialogue and cutscenes, also contribute to the immersive experience. Players who take the time to engage with the narrative and world-building are rewarded with a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world.

❤ A Strong Sense of Community and Cooperation

The emphasis on party-based content encourages players to form lasting relationships and coordinate with one another. The game's social features, such as Linkshells (guilds) and player-run events, further foster a sense of community and camaraderie among the playerbase. Many long-time players cite the friends they've made and the shared experiences as a major reason for their continued enjoyment of the game.

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