Lone Fungus

by Basti Games

The Developer Says...

A handcrafted open-world platformer set in a world built by Mushrooms! Explore different locations filled with secrets, acquire new abilities and use those abilities to reach new places!

Players Like...

❤ Exploration and Progression

Players explore a large, interconnected open world with ten distinct areas, each with unique enemies and obstacles. As players acquire new abilities, they can access previously inaccessible areas, uncovering secrets and upgrades hidden throughout the world. The game's Metroidvania progression system encourages constant backtracking and exploration as players uncover shortcuts and new paths.

❤ Platforming and Movement

The protagonist's movement and platforming abilities are the game's core focus. Players can wall-jump, dash, and perform a pogo-like downward attack, chaining these abilities together for fluid traversal. While the base platforming is challenging, the game offers optional "practice rooms" with even more demanding platforming challenges for players seeking to master the intricate movement system.

❤ Combat and Customization

Combat features a simplistic yet deep spell system. Players can perform basic sword attacks and parry incoming projectiles, but the real depth comes from the way they strike their sword to create different spell patterns. These spells have multiple uses, encouraging experimentation. Players can also find and equip Relics and Emblems, which provide passive upgrades and modify the behavior of the parry, allowing them to tailor their playstyle.

❤ Bosses and Difficulty

The game features 28 unique boss encounters, each with distinct attack patterns and mechanics designed to be "equitable" and winnable without taking damage. The developer aims to provide clear telegraphed attacks and limited randomness, challenging players to master each boss's techniques. Players can choose from four difficulty modes or use an "Assist Mode" with various accessibility features, allowing them to customize the challenge level to their preference.

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