
by Jozef Pavelka

The Developer Says...

In Felvidek, a JRPG set in 15th century Slovakia, you embrace the role of an alcoholic knight Pavol. Meet diverse and interesting characters to help you drive out the Hussites and Ottomans who blight this land.

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Mechanics

The turn-based combat system allows players to strategically control a party of characters. Enemies include Hussites, Ottomans, and more sinister foes. The mechanics are easy to learn, yet provide enough nuance to keep battles engaging. A key mechanic is the use of "feints" - special abilities that can give the player's party an advantage, such as distracting enemies or performing area-of-effect attacks.

❤ Progression and Equipment

Instead of a traditional leveling system, players progress by acquiring better equipment and supplies through exploration and quests. This equipment-based progression system keeps the focus on decision-making, as players must carefully consider how to outfit their characters. The steady flow of new and improved gear eliminates any need for grinding.

❤ Exploration and Narrative

Alongside combat, the game emphasizes exploration and character interactions. Players can traverse the hand-painted world, uncovering secret passages and hidden paths as they advance the story. The narrative is driven by the player's interactions with a diverse cast of characters, including Catholics, Hussites, and more sinister figures.

❤ Difficulty and Pacing

The difficulty is well-balanced, with early encounters being straightforward and later battles requiring more strategic planning. Enemies do not respawn, and players are often given the option to avoid battles, ensuring a streamlined progression without repetitive combat. This focused design maintains the game's momentum, allowing players to complete the 3-4 hour experience at a brisk, yet satisfying pace.

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