The Voidness - Lidar Horror Survival Game

by Steelkrill Studio

The Developer Says...

The Voidness is a SCI-FI psychological horror game where it takes place inside the void where it's filled with just gloom - the only way to see is by scanning the environment with your range finder device, however you are not alone. Don't breathe ... as they are listening.. and watching.

Players Like...

❤ Innovative Scanning Mechanic

The game's standout feature is its innovative use of a scanning device to navigate the dark and gloomy environments. Players must constantly scan their surroundings to uncover the layout of the levels and identify potential threats. This creates an atmosphere of intense tension and dread, as players never know what may be lurking in the unseen areas. Reviewers praise this mechanic, noting that it offers a fresh and engaging take on the survival horror genre. The inability to see clearly forces players to rely on their other senses, heightening the sense of vulnerability and isolation. Additionally, the fact that enemies can detect noise, including the player's own breathing, adds an extra layer of challenge and stealth-based gameplay.

❤ Oppressive and Immersive Atmosphere

Reviewers consistently highlight the game's oppressive and unsettling atmosphere. The use of darkness, along with the ominous sound design and the ever-present threat of unseen dangers, successfully immerses players in the cosmic horror setting. Many note that the game excels at building tension and maintaining a constant state of suspense, with jump scares being used judiciously rather than relying on them excessively. The overall aesthetic, with its blend of sci-fi and horror elements, is also praised for contributing to the game's distinctive and compelling atmosphere.

❤ Engaging Narrative and Storytelling

While the gameplay is the main draw, reviewers also appreciate the narrative and storytelling elements. The game's plot, which follows the experiences of a space specialist named Francesca Lee, is generally regarded as engaging and well-executed. Players express interest in unraveling the mysteries surrounding the Voidness and the fate of Francesca's crew. The narrative is further enhanced by the game's voice acting, which is often singled out as a standout element.

❤ Concise Scope and Pacing

The game's relatively short length, with most players reporting a playtime of around 2-3 hours, receives mixed reactions. While some reviewers would have liked a longer experience, others suggest that the game's concise scope and pacing work in its favor, ensuring that it does not overstay its welcome. The game is praised for maintaining a brisk and focused narrative, without feeling padded or drawn out, allowing the developers to deliver a tightly-designed, cohesive experience.

❤ Room for Improvement

While the majority of reviews are positive, some players have identified areas where the game could be improved. These include occasional performance issues, particularly in certain areas, as well as the desire for more varied gameplay and enemy encounters to prevent the experience from feeling repetitive. Additionally, a few reviewers have noted minor bugs or control issues that, while not gamebreaking, could benefit from further polish and refinement. However, it's important to note that the game is currently in Early Access, and the developer has indicated plans for further updates and improvements.

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