by RealityBeholder

The Developer Says...

STANDBOX is a single-player physics sandbox about bullying a ragdoll. Shoot him, push him, watch him get back up until he doesn't.

Players Like...

❤ Sophisticated Ragdoll Mechanics

The game's core appeal lies in its advanced ragdoll physics and damage modeling. Players can shoot, push, throw, or otherwise interact with the ragdoll character, and the game realistically depicts how the body responds. The character, named Stanley, attempts to regain his balance, suffers injuries like broken bones or bleeding, and eventually succumbs to severe damage. Reviewers praise the "euphoric" and "hyper-realistic" quality of these ragdoll reactions, which are a highlight of the gameplay experience.

❤ Visceral Injury Simulation

In addition to the physics, the game features an advanced injury and damage simulation system. When the ragdoll is subjected to forces or impacts, the game realistically depicts the resulting injuries, such as bleeding, concussions, and bone fractures. Players enjoy the opportunity to experiment with different ways of harming the ragdoll and observing the corresponding physical reactions.

❤ Open-Ended Sandbox Gameplay

As a sandbox game, the experience allows players to freely interact with the ragdoll and the game environment. The lack of strict objectives or win conditions encourages organic, player-driven gameplay focused on experimentation and observation. Reviewers appreciate the freedom to "play" with the ragdoll in whatever manner they choose, whether that involves finding creative ways to hurt him or simply observing his behaviors.

❤ Room for Improvement

While the core gameplay is widely praised, some players note that the current content is rather limited, with only a few maps and a relatively small set of interactive elements. Requests for additional features, such as a map editor, more weapons, and more advanced injury/death interactions, are common. However, the developer has been transparent about the game's current scope and has indicated plans for future updates and expansions, which many players view optimistically.

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