Super Psycho Baseball

by internetcharles, Giant Scam Industries

The Developer Says...

Welcome to Super Psycho Baseball, a sadistic home-run hitting roguelike in which you try to conquer a gang of pitch-slinging bosses, each more psychotic than the last. Come face five fully-realized pitchers, rack up powerups, and reach the top!

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Mechanics

You take on the role of a batter tasked with hitting five home runs in each of the three innings to advance through the game. The controls are simple yet responsive, requiring precise timing to make solid contact with the ball and send it soaring over the fence.

❤ Unique Pitchers and Challenges

As you progress, you'll face off against a diverse cast of increasingly challenging and "psychotic" pitchers, each with their own unique throwing styles. Pitchy, for example, lulls you into a false sense of security with his relaxed fastballs, while Harry's baffling, off-speed offerings constantly keep you guessing. Mastering the ability to read and anticipate these varied pitch types is crucial to your success.

❤ Progression and Replayability

Earning coins through your gameplay allows you to purchase a variety of power-ups and upgrades, providing a sense of progression and the ability to customize your approach. This, coupled with the game's roguelike nature, where failure results in starting over, encourages you to continuously improve your skills and strategies to overcome the increasingly tough pitchers.

❤ Responsive and Satisfying Controls

The satisfying "cracking" sound and visual feedback when you connect with the ball, coupled with the overall responsive controls, create a highly rewarding gameplay experience.

❤ Difficulty and Challenge

Players consistently praise the game's fair and well-designed difficulty curve, which offers a compelling challenge that keeps you coming back for more.

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