Jumbo Airport Story

by Kairosoft Co.,Ltd

The Developer Says...

Just imagine: your own world-famous airport! A game with sky-high levels of fun!

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❤ Building and Expanding Your Airport

The game tasks you with building and expanding your own international airport, starting from a humble beginning and transforming it into a world-famous transportation hub. You'll carefully plan and manage your airport's facilities to cater to the needs of a growing number of visitors.

❤ Constructing and Upgrading Facilities

You'll construct various buildings such as bistros, bookstores, and seating areas to keep passengers comfortable and satisfied. As the airport expands, you can strategically place these facilities to optimize passenger flow and maximize revenue. One of the key mechanics is the ability to upgrade and combine different facilities. You can invest in research to unlock new and improved versions of buildings, allowing you to generate more income and attract larger crowds. Certain facility combinations can provide synergistic bonuses, encouraging you to experiment and find the optimal layout.

❤ Maintaining Passenger Satisfaction

Maintaining high passenger satisfaction is crucial, as it directly impacts the airport's popularity and revenue. You must carefully balance the needs of different visitor demographics, providing amenities and services that cater to their preferences. As the airport grows more successful, you can offer special events and activities to further engage and monetize your visitors.

❤ Managing Airport Logistics

As the airport expands, you must manage the logistics of operations, such as baggage handling, security, and transportation. This includes placing and upgrading various infrastructure elements like runways, terminals, and transportation hubs. You must carefully plan the layout and placement of these facilities to ensure efficient passenger and cargo movement.

❤ Expanding Global Reach

A unique aspect of the game is the ability to establish partnerships with airline companies and foreign cities. By signing contracts and maintaining good relationships, you can expand your airport's global reach, attracting more diverse visitors and increasing your international standing.

❤ Player Creativity and Customization

While the gameplay follows a structured progression, the game allows for a considerable degree of player creativity and customization. You can experiment with different facility arrangements, find optimal combinations, and personalize the aesthetic of your airport to suit your preferences.

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