Horde Hunters

by Antti Vaihia

The Developer Says...

Horde Hunters is a challenging horde survival rogue-lite that doesn't make you run in circles. Explore procedural maps full of missions and activities all the while using your weapons, items and abilities to slay thousands of monsters in about 15 minutes.

Players Like...

❤ Engaging Gameplay Loop

The gameplay loop blends horde survival with active objectives. Players must extinguish fires, rescue NPCs, and defend capture points - all while fending off the relentless demon horde. This gives players more control over the flow and outcome of each run, rather than simply standing and shooting.

❤ Intuitive Controls and Aiming

The twin-stick control scheme allows for freely moving and aiming independently. Weapons auto-aim and auto-fire, but players can also manually aim their primary weapon. This active control over movement and aiming adds an extra layer of engagement compared to more passive horde survival games.

❤ Diverse Playable Characters

Each of the playable characters has a unique weapon and special ability, encouraging players to experiment and find their preferred playstyle. For example, one character wields a powerful melee weapon and a defensive shockwave, while another specializes in long-range magic attacks. Players can further customize these abilities before each run.

❤ Tactical Consumable Items

The game features a consumable item system, providing players with instant single-use powerups. These can be tactically deployed for healing, crowd control, or damage boosts when needed most. Managing this consumable inventory adds an extra layer of strategic decision-making.

❤ Unpredictable Environments

The procedurally generated maps contain unique buildings and interactive elements, ensuring each run has a degree of unpredictability. Players must quickly adapt to the layout and discover the various mission/event triggers hidden throughout the environment.

❤ Customizable Difficulty

For players who find the base difficulty too challenging or too easy, the game provides custom difficulty options to tailor the experience. Additionally, the ability to increase the game speed allows for faster-paced, high-score chasing sessions.

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