Doll Explorer

by Pico Games

The Developer Says...

Doll Explorer is a turn-based strategy game in which players conquer dungeons by combining various actions such as "take one step forward" and "attack in front of player". The adventures of Tia the witch, Doll the magical life form, and Lilith the princess of the demon tribe begin!

Players Like...

❤ Deckbuilding Mechanics

The deckbuilding mechanic is the heart of the gameplay. Players start with basic actions like "take one step forward" and "attack in front," but can acquire new cards throughout their runs, such as combo abilities and magical spells. Understanding the synergies between these cards is crucial for devising effective strategies.

❤ Exploration and Progression

As players explore the poison gas-filled dungeons, they encounter a variety of enemies and obstacles. Defeating foes rewards materials that can enhance the main characters' capabilities, making them stronger for future challenges. This roguelite progression system encourages experimentation with different deck compositions.

❤ Combo Actions and Strategy

One particularly satisfying aspect is the ability to chain together specific actions to create powerful combo attacks. By carefully planning their moves, players can execute devastating maneuvers that efficiently clear rooms of threats.

❤ Overall Impression

The engaging turn-based gameplay, strategic deckbuilding mechanics, and the rewarding feeling of executing well-planned combos make this a compelling experience for fans of the genre.

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