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The first and second title in the METAL GEAR series that established the stealth action genre, as well as the basic mechanics of the series.

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❤ Establishing the Stealth Genre

The 1987 original and its 1990 sequel completely reversed common action game tropes, challenging players to avoid combat and infiltrate enemy territory undetected. This focus on stealthy gameplay, rather than pure action, resulted in the creation of a brand-new genre - the stealth action game.

❤ Foundational Stealth Mechanics

The first game introduced several core stealth mechanics that would become staples of the series. Players could crouch to avoid detection, bang on walls to intentionally attract enemies, and enemies would react to the protagonist's footsteps. The sequel further refined these elements, adding the ability to crawl and more sophisticated enemy AI that made stealth gameplay more robust.

❤ Puzzle-Solving Progression

Progressing through these games often requires solving various environmental puzzles and challenges, rather than relying on brute force. Players must carefully navigate spaces, find and use key items, and overcome obstacles through thoughtful, stealthy play - a highly innovative approach for the time.

❤ Nonlinear Exploration and Backtracking

The levels in these games allow for nonlinear exploration, giving players freedom to approach objectives in different ways. However, this freedom can also lead to significant backtracking, as players may need to revisit areas to acquire necessary items or find the correct path forward. While this can be frustrating, it also encourages careful planning and thorough exploration.

❤ Unforgiving Challenge

Both games are widely regarded as challenging, with instant-death traps, limited resources, and unforgiving enemy AI. Overcoming this difficulty through patient, skillful play provides a strong sense of accomplishment, even if it can also lead to frustration.

❤ Evolving Mechanics

While the first game established the core stealth gameplay, the sequel refined and expanded on these mechanics. Features like the ability to crawl and more sophisticated enemy behaviors made the stealth gameplay feel more robust and engaging in the follow-up.

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