
by Zorbus

The Developer Says...

Zorbus is a fantasy-themed, tile-based, turn-based, traditional roguelike game.

Players Like...

❤ Procedural Dungeon Generation

The game creates unique dungeon layouts with each playthrough, generating themed areas like throne rooms, prisons, and treasure caches. This results in a living, eventful environment that feels more than just empty rooms and corridors.

❤ Intelligent Enemies and Companions

Enemies display dynamic, intelligent behaviors - they flee when threatened, gather allies, use equipment, and even comment on events through speech bubbles. This makes the dungeon feel truly reactive and alive. Players can also recruit NPC companions, equipping them with gear and utilizing their diverse abilities as part of the player's strategy.

❤ Flexible, Adaptable Gameplay

The game's skill-based progression allows players to customize their character, choosing from a wide array of combat, magical, and utility abilities. Combined with the diverse item and enemy options, this enables a high degree of build variety and playstyle flexibility. Extensive customization settings, including controls, UI, and automation features, further let players tailor the experience.

❤ Tense, Challenging Gameplay Loop

Each run is high-stakes, as permanent death forces players to carefully consider every decision. However, the relatively short duration of runs encourages repeated attempts, as players quickly learn from their mistakes and try new strategies. The difficulty curve ramps up significantly after the initial floors, pushing players to masterfully manage their resources and companions in order to progress deeper.

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