Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice

by Mimimi Games, Daedalic Entertainment

The Developer Says...

Aiko's Choice is the anticipated standalone expansion to the acclaimed stealth strategy game Shadow Tactics. Set in Edo Japan, you take control of the skillful kunoichi adept Aiko and her deadly assassin friends to hunt down the ghosts of her past.

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❤ Tactical Stealth Gameplay

You take control of a team of five unique assassin characters - Aiko, Hayato, Mugen, Yuki, and Takuma - and must use their specialized skills to infiltrate heavily guarded areas, eliminate enemies, and complete various objectives without being detected. The core gameplay loop revolves around carefully planning and executing stealthy maneuvers to silently bypass or eliminate enemies.

❤ Character Abilities and Synergy

Engaging in direct combat is generally not advised, as it can quickly escalate into an unwinnable situation. Instead, you must thoughtfully position your characters, use distractions and lures, set traps, and time your actions precisely to avoid detection. Combining the abilities of each character in creative ways is essential for overcoming the game's challenges. For example, you can have Aiko lure guards into traps set by Yuki, while Takuma provides covering fire from a distance.

❤ Replayability and Experimentation

The game encourages you to experiment with different approaches and strategies to complete each mission. There are typically multiple paths to reach the objectives, and you are rewarded for finding innovative solutions. The game also features a variety of optional side objectives, known as "badges," that challenge you to complete missions in specific ways, such as avoiding detection or eliminating a target in a certain manner. This adds a significant layer of replayability, as you can revisit levels to try new tactics and unlock additional content.

❤ Responsive and Precise Controls

The controls are responsive and intuitive, allowing you to smoothly transition between characters and execute complex maneuvers. The isometric camera perspective and real-time tactics gameplay require a high degree of precision, and the game's control scheme supports this with features like the "Shadow Mode," which pauses the action and allows you to plan your next moves carefully.

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