Legends of Amberland II: The Song of Trees

by Silver Lemur Games

The Developer Says...

Legends of Amberland II: The Song of Trees is a classic western RPG inspired by great 90s era games such as Might & Magic, Wizardry, Ultima, the Gold Box series. Light, fairy tale, epic, heroic, slightly humorous adventure.

Players Like...

❤ Assemble a Customizable Party

Players can assemble a party of up to 7 adventurers, choosing from a variety of unique character classes and races to create their ideal team. The character creation and progression systems offer meaningful customization options, allowing players to fine-tune their party to suit their playstyle.

❤ Explore a Vast Fantasy World

The open-world design encourages exploration, with players discovering new areas, secrets, and quests throughout the expansive fantasy setting. Reviewers praise the variety of locations, including fully explorable towns, and the sense of discovery when uncovering new content.

❤ Engaging Turn-Based Combat

The turn-based combat system is fast-paced and satisfying, requiring players to carefully consider their party composition and equipment to handle increasingly powerful enemies. Reviewers highlight the importance of building a well-synergized team, as the combat challenges players to make strategic decisions during each encounter.

❤ Quality of Life Improvements

Compared to the previous game, this sequel introduces several quality of life improvements that enhance the overall experience. These include better mapping and navigation tools, an improved inventory system, and the ability to quickly travel between previously visited locations, streamlining the classic CRPG gameplay.

❤ Replayability and Difficulty Options

The game offers a good amount of replayability, with different difficulty settings to accommodate players of various skill levels. Reviewers note that the game can be completed relatively quickly on a first playthrough, but the ability to adjust the difficulty and experiment with various builds extends the game's longevity, making it a must-play for fans of old-school dungeon crawlers.

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