Chess Survivors

by Aarimous

The Developer Says...

Chess Survivors is a grid based, quick-turn, roguelike where you outmaneuver and destroy an ever growing horde of chess based enemies. Combine abilities, upgrades, and relics to create game-breaking builds. Think fast, die, learn, repeat!

Players Like...

❤ Chess-Inspired Movement Mechanics

The core gameplay fuses chess-based movement with real-time bullet hell combat. Each playable character has a distinct movement pattern inspired by different chess pieces, such as the linear movement of a rook or the L-shaped jumps of a knight. This chess-themed movement adds a layer of strategic depth, as players must carefully consider how to position themselves and outmaneuver the enemy chess pieces.

❤ Fast-Paced Turn-Based Action

While the game features turn-based movement, the turns are designed to be lightning-fast, creating a highly engaging and frenetic experience. Players have a limited window of time to plan their moves, adding a sense of urgency and requiring quick thinking. This blend of turn-based mechanics and real-time action results in a gameplay loop that feels both strategic and fast-paced.

❤ Diverse Abilities and Builds

One of the key strengths is the wide variety of abilities, upgrades, and relics that players can unlock and combine to create game-breaking builds. These include powerful weapons, such as explosive dice and beach balls that hit harder than mallets, defensive abilities that extend the duration of movement changes, and transformative effects that allow players to move as a bishop or knight. Experimenting with different ability combinations and finding the perfect "broken" build is a highly rewarding aspect of the gameplay.

❤ Roguelike Progression and Replayability

The game is structured as a roguelike, meaning each run is procedurally generated and permanent death is a core mechanic. This encourages players to die, learn, and repeat, with the goal of unlocking new characters, challenges, and relics to enhance future runs. The combination of randomized elements and the ability to create unique builds ensures that every playthrough feels fresh and encourages repeated attempts.

❤ Casual-Friendly Pacing

While the game offers a significant challenge, especially at higher difficulty settings, it is designed to be accessible to casual players. Typical run durations range from 10 to 21 minutes, making it easy to fit into short gaming sessions. This, combined with the game's straightforward controls and intuitive chess-based mechanics, makes it an appealing option for players who want a quick, intense, and rewarding gameplay experience.

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