Tails Noir Preludes

by Eggnut, Raw Fury

The Developer Says...

Tails Noir Preludes is a post-noir narrative adventure with branching choices. It is an intertwined series of vignettes about change, circumstance, and consequence. Guide four characters through formative moments in their lives in a dystopian Vancouver inhabited by anthropomorphic animals.

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❤ Gameplay Overview

The narrative-driven experience centers around dialogue choices and exploration. The game follows four characters through formative moments, presenting players with frequent dialogue options that meaningfully impact the direction and outcome of their stories.

❤ Dialogue Choices and Branching Narratives

A robust dialogue system and branching narrative structure allow players to alter the course of conversations and shape the characters' storylines. The game tracks these choices in a branching dialogue tree, encouraging experimentation to uncover the full breadth of each character's story.

❤ Exploration and Interactivity

While dialogue is the primary focus, players can navigate the game's environments, interacting with objects and characters to uncover additional context and narrative details. These exploration segments help to immerse players in the dystopian world.

❤ Replayability and Meaningful Choices

Multiple playthroughs are rewarded, as the branching narratives and variable dialogue outcomes mean players can experience significantly different stories and character developments based on their choices.

❤ Streamlined Mechanics

The game maintains a brisk pace by prioritizing narrative progression over complex mechanics or puzzles, keeping players engaged with the unfolding stories.

❤ Emotional Resonance

By making meaningful decisions that shape the characters' lives, players become invested in the outcomes and the personal growth (or decline) of the protagonists, eliciting strong emotional responses.

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