Never Mourn

by Primal Seed, Poysky Productions, Light Up Games

The Developer Says...

Become a powerful battler necromancer and challenge death with your double-edged weapon. Kill and resurrect your enemies to grow your army and do the impossible to revive your child.

Players Like...

❤ Necromancy at the Core

Players take on the role of a powerful necromancer, able to kill enemies and then resurrect them to join their undead army. Each resurrected minion possesses unique abilities, allowing players to build a diverse and strategically-minded force. Reviewers praise this core necromancy mechanic, finding it deeply satisfying to watch their collection of minions grow and evolve over the course of a run. Players can choose to focus on buffing and supporting their undead underlings or to play a more direct damage-dealing style.

❤ Intense, Tactical Combat

The combat is described as intense and fast-paced, challenging players to think quickly and make decisive tactical choices. The ability to seamlessly swap between attack and support abilities during battles adds an extra layer of strategy, as players must weigh the benefits of dealing damage directly versus keeping their minions alive and well. Reviewers highlight the thrill of these combat encounters, especially as the difficulty ramps up in later stages.

❤ Progression and Customization

As players progress through runs, they unlock new spells, abilities, and minion types to add to their repertoire. The game's robust skill tree system allows for a high degree of customization, enabling players to tailor their necromancer's playstyle to their preferences. Reviewers appreciate how this variety contributes to the game's replayability, as each run can feel distinct based on the player's chosen upgrades and strategies.

❤ Replayable, Varied Gameplay

The rogue-lite structure, with its randomized levels and permanent death, encourages repeated playthroughs. Reviewers also note that the diverse array of minion types, along with the ability to experiment with different skill and spell combinations, help to keep the gameplay feeling fresh and engaging over multiple runs.

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