Siege of Dungeon

by Binary Tree Studio, FirePillar2, IndieArk

The Developer Says...

Siege of Dungeon is a strategic team-based rogue-lite, where you challenge strong, cunning monsters and combine relics and skills to build up your team in turn-based combat. What’s waiting for you deep in the dungeon? Could it be a rare treasure or the beginning of despair...?

Players Like...

❤ Exploration and Movement

Players praise the game's unique tactical exploration system, which requires carefully navigating the randomly generated dungeon. The limited movement points per turn force players to plan their moves strategically, deciding whether to split up their party to cover more ground or stick together to minimize the risk of being surrounded by enemies. This exploration element adds an engaging layer of decision-making and risk-reward to the gameplay.

❤ Combat System

The turn-based combat system focuses on synergistic team-based tactics, challenging players to position their characters effectively and utilize their unique abilities and relics to overcome the cunning monster encounters. Reviewers highlight the depth and variety of combat strategies that emerge from experimenting with different character builds and skill combinations, emphasizing the ability to create powerful "burst" attacks that can turn the tide of battle.

❤ Progression and Replayability

After each successful run, players acquire a currency that can be used to permanently upgrade their characters' stats and unlock new, more powerful relics. This progression system allows players to gradually strengthen their team and develop new strategies over successive playthroughs, while the randomized dungeon layouts, enemy encounters, and loot ensure that each run feels unique, fostering a high degree of replayability.

❤ Difficulty and Challenge

Reviewers widely praise the game's challenging, yet rewarding gameplay, noting that players must make tough decisions and adapt their tactics to overcome the various threats lurking in the dungeon. The difficulty curve is described as satisfying, providing a sense of accomplishment when players successfully complete a run, though some reviewers mention that certain character builds or relics can feel overpowered at times.

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