Stories from the Outbreak

by Coldwild Games

The Developer Says...

Stories from the Outbreak is a turn-based roguelike zombie RPG. Lead a group of survivors from the doomed city of Riga towards a ferry sailing across the North Sea. Scavenge for supplies, battle the undead, decide the fate of your team. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to survive?

Players Like...

❤ Manipulate the Timeline to Your Advantage

The core gameplay revolves around a tactical turn-based combat system that challenges players to carefully manage the timeline of actions. Each character possesses a unique set of abilities that can be combined in creative ways, requiring strategic thinking to overcome the game's challenging encounters. The combat system has drawn comparisons to classics like Darkest Dungeon, where mastering the intricacies of the turn order is key to success.

❤ Experiment with Diverse Team Compositions

The game incorporates roguelike elements, with permadeath and randomized team compositions keeping each playthrough fresh. As players progress, they can unlock new characters and abilities, providing a sense of progression and encouraging repeated runs. The randomness of the characters and items encountered on each journey adds to the replayability, as players experiment with different strategies and team synergies to overcome the escalating challenges.

❤ Overcome Steep Difficulty Curve

The game's difficulty has been praised by players, with a steep learning curve that rewards tactical mastery. Encounters can quickly become overwhelming, especially as the game progresses, requiring players to carefully manage their resources and make difficult decisions. While some have noted imbalances in the early game, the general consensus is that the difficulty is well-tuned, pushing players to improve their strategies and learn from their mistakes.

❤ Immerse Yourself in the Narrative

Alongside the core gameplay loop centered around survival and decision-making, the game features a compelling narrative element. The written content, including character interactions and event descriptions, has been praised for its quality and ability to immerse players in the grim, post-apocalyptic setting. The focus on the personal stories and relationships of the survivors adds depth to the experience beyond the tactical gameplay.

❤ Discover Effective Synergies

The game's character progression system and wide array of trinkets (passive bonuses) allow for a high degree of customization and strategic depth. Players can experiment with different team compositions, leveraging each character's unique abilities and how they interact with various trinkets. Discovering and mastering effective synergies between characters and items is a key part of the game's appeal and challenge.

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