Monochrome Mobius: Rights and Wrongs Forgotten


The Developer Says...

A new JRPG from veteran studio AQUAPLUS, commemorating 20 years of the multi-media Utawarerumono series. This is the story of a man who will be sung about in legends.

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❤ Gameplay Overview

The game features a traditional turn-based JRPG combat system, similar to classics like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy. Players navigate an expansive overworld, engage in random encounters with enemies, and progress through the story via exploration, dialogue, and tactical battles.

❤ Combat System

The combat system revolves around a unique "Action Ring" mechanic. At the start of each battle, an action ring appears around each character. Players must time button presses to hit the ring at the optimal moment, granting advantages like increased critical hit chances or preemptive strikes. This timing-based element adds a layer of reflex-based strategy to the otherwise turn-based combat. During their turns, players can freely order their party members to use a variety of abilities, spells, and items. This allows for strategic positioning and the execution of devastating combo attacks. Defeated enemies drop experience points, valuable resources, and money, which players can use to level up characters and acquire new equipment.

❤ Exploration and Progression

Outside of combat, players freely explore the game's large, open-ended overworld and dungeon environments. Hidden paths, shortcuts, and treasure chests encourage thorough exploration. Players can later obtain a mount to facilitate faster traversal across the world map. Character progression is handled through a straightforward leveling system. Earning experience points from combat unlocks new abilities and enhances character statistics. Additionally, players can invest "Brave Points" to selectively improve specific skills and attributes.

❤ Quality of Life Features

To streamline the gameplay experience, the game includes several convenient quality of life features: Auto-battle option for quickly dispatching weaker enemies, Enemy avoidance, allowing players to bypass unnecessary encounters, and Unlockable fast travel between discovered locations. These features help maintain a brisk pace and minimize tedious grinding, allowing players to focus on the game's narrative and thematic strengths.

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