Siege Survival: Gloria Victis

by Black Eye Games, Ravenscourt

The Developer Says...

A medieval city under siege and a handful of civilians are all that keep the walls from falling. Mixing survival strategy and resource management, build your camp, craft supplies, and scavenge the occupied city to supply the last troops holding back the invaders.

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❤ A Dual Gameplay Loop: Manage Your Camp by Day, Scavenge the City by Night

During the day, you must manage your makeshift base camp inside the besieged city. This involves assigning your civilian survivors to various jobs, such as crafting new supplies, constructing upgrades, and gathering resources. You must also provide the defending troops on the city walls with the equipment, food, and medical aid they need to hold back the invaders. At night, you send one or more of your civilians out into the occupied streets to scavenge for vital resources. You must carefully navigate through enemy patrols, searching buildings and alleyways for supplies like food, crafting materials, and potential new recruits. But getting caught by the guards will increase security, so you must use stealth and hide in the shadows to avoid detection as you make your way back to the safety of your camp before dawn.

❤ Supplying the Defenders Puts Additional Demands on Your Resources

One unique element is the need to continuously support the defending troops. You cannot directly control these soldiers, but you must ensure they are equipped with the proper weapons, armor, ammunition, and other necessities. Failing to adequately supply them can weaken their ability to withstand enemy attacks, eventually leading to the fall of the city. This adds an extra strategic layer, as you must balance the needs of your civilian survivors against the demands of the military.

❤ Methodically Expand Your Scavenging Territory

The city map is semi-open, with blockages that can be cleared through actions like burning bodies or using shovels. This encourages you to methodically expand your nighttime scavenging territory to access more valuable resources over time. However, the risks also grow, as being caught by enemy patrols can lead to injury, death, or increased security.

❤ Carefully Prioritize Base Upgrades and Expansions

During the day, you can construct and upgrade various buildings and facilities within your base camp. This includes workshops for crafting, shelters for your civilians, storehouses for resources, and specialized structures like a medical post or trebuchet. Upgrading these increases their efficiency, output, and storage capacity - vital for sustaining the siege. But with limited resources, you must carefully prioritize which upgrades to pursue.

❤ Difficult Choices with Lasting Consequences

Throughout the experience, you are constantly presented with difficult choices that can impact the fate of your survivors and the city's defenses. Do you focus on scavenging for resources or supporting the troops? Which civilians do you recruit, and how do you utilize their skills? What upgrades and construction projects do you prioritize with your limited means? These decisions often have lasting consequences, forcing you to carefully weigh your options and make tough trade-offs.

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