Chants of Sennaar

by Rundisc, Focus Entertainment

The Developer Says...

In this award-winning puzzle adventure game, play as the Traveler on a quest to reunite the Peoples of the Tower. Observe, listen, and decipher ancient languages in a fascinating universe inspired by the Myth of Babel.

Players Like...

❤ Linguistic Puzzle Solving

Players decipher and translate the various languages throughout the Tower of Babel-inspired world. They must observe, listen, and make logical deductions to piece together the meaning of glyphs and construct translations. This process involves building a vocabulary in the player's notebook, noting patterns and grammar structures, and using context clues from the environment, characters, and written materials. Reviewers praise this linguistic puzzle-solving as the game's strongest and most unique feature, describing the process of figuring out how each language works, making guesses, and gradually confirming the meanings of words and phrases as deeply rewarding and engaging. The different languages all have their own distinct grammar, vocabulary, and writing systems, which keeps the translation process fresh and challenging as the player progresses.

❤ Intuitive Language Learning System

The game's intuitive system facilitates the language learning process. Players can take notes on glyph meanings in their in-game notebook, which then automatically translates those words when encountered again. This prevents the need to memorize everything and allows players to focus on understanding the languages rather than rote memorization. Reviewers appreciate how this system encourages observation, deduction, and experimentation without becoming overly frustrating, striking a good balance between giving players the freedom to discover meanings on their own and providing enough context and validation to keep the puzzle-solving engaging.

❤ Interconnected Languages and Culture

As players unravel the mysteries of each language, they also learn about the distinct cultures, histories, and perspectives of the Tower's five peoples. The languages are not isolated but rather interconnected, with shared roots, borrowed words, and unique relationships. Discovering these connections is described as deeply rewarding, as it allows players to see how communication and understanding can bridge divides. Reviewers highlight how this linguistic and cultural worldbuilding enriches the overall experience, with the game's themes of communication, empathy, and cooperation being woven seamlessly into the puzzle-solving mechanics.

❤ Traversal and Exploration

While language puzzles form the core of the gameplay, the game also features elements of exploration and traversal. Players must navigate the sprawling, visually distinct floors of the Tower, uncovering new areas, characters, and sources of information. Some reviewers note that the traversal can feel a bit slow or tedious at times, with long walking distances between key areas. However, most agree that the game's beautiful, stylized environments and the way they evolve based on the player's progress make exploration a worthwhile and atmospheric experience.

❤ Puzzle Variety and Difficulty

In addition to the language-based puzzles, the game incorporates other types of challenges, such as environmental puzzles, machine operations, and occasional stealth sequences. The difficulty level is described as well-balanced, starting relatively accessible and gradually increasing in complexity as the player progresses. While some reviewers found certain language puzzles to be more obtuse than others, the overall consensus is that the game strikes a good balance between challenge and accessibility, allowing players of varying skill levels to enjoy the experience.

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