Halluci-Sabbat of Koishi

by 地霊研究院, ZRIGN

The Developer Says...

Touhou Project, Komeiji Koishi's Action Game, with collision between sword and magic! Help Marisa hold a Sabbat of witches, and explore the way of treasure hunt with wisdom and strength. On the day of the war, there is the glory of death and no shame of life.

Players Like...

❤ Challenging yet Satisfying Combat

Players praise the high difficulty level, which provides a strong sense of accomplishment when overcoming obstacles. The game features a steep learning curve, forcing players to closely observe enemy attack patterns and respond appropriately through parrying, dodging, and well-timed counterattacks. Executing successful parries and counterattacks is immensely satisfying, as it requires keen reflexes and understanding of the enemy's moveset.

❤ Diverse Enemy Variety and Attack Patterns

The game presents a wide variety of enemies, ranging from high-intensity bullet barrages, relentless pursuit, unpredictable magical assaults, and skilled swordplay. Players must master the appropriate strategies to handle these diverse foes, which is integral to progressing through the challenging levels.

❤ Unlockable Abilities and Upgrades

As players progress, they unlock new offensive and defensive abilities, each with their own unique stories and cultural connotations within the Touhou universe. Experimenting with different ability combinations and learning their intricacies is a key part of the gameplay loop.

❤ Fulfilling Sense of Progression and Mastery

The high difficulty and steep learning curve are intentional design choices, as the developers aim to provide players with a profound sense of achievement. Overcoming challenging obstacles, mastering enemy patterns, and discovering new techniques and strategies give players a deep sense of progression and mastery over the game's systems.

❤ Customizable Difficulty Options

The game offers the option to adjust the damage taken, allowing players to practice and learn the mechanics at a more comfortable pace. Conversely, the "Mind-Eye Mode" further ramps up the difficulty for those seeking an even greater challenge.

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