Terra Memoria

by La Moutarde, Dear Villagers

The Developer Says...

A shortage of magic crystals and the sudden awakening of ancient robots leads six new friends on an incredible investigation across Terra – a cozy and fantastic world that combines 3D and pixel art.

Players Like...

❤ Combat System

The timeline-based combat system features a unique twist on traditional turn-based RPG mechanics. Each character and enemy occupies a position on a timeline, and their actions propel them forward or backward. This encourages strategic positioning, as players must consider not only the strength of their attacks, but also the timing to maximize their advantage. The combat also revolves around elemental weaknesses, with each party member and foe having distinct resistances and vulnerabilities. Cleverly exploiting these weaknesses is key to triumph. Furthermore, the inclusion of three support characters, randomly assigned at the start of each battle, adds an element of unpredictability. These assistants provide various benefits and modifiers to the main party's actions, requiring players to adapt their strategies on the fly. While many reviewers note the relative ease of the combat, seeing it as a positive for the game's accessibility, the timeline and elemental systems still provide enough depth to engage players who seek a more strategic experience.

❤ Exploration and Progression

The 2.5D world combines 3D environments with charming pixel art characters, inviting players to freely explore and uncover the game's central mystery. Reviewers have praised the strong world-building and the appeal of the diverse locations and inhabitants. Progression is primarily tied to leveling up at campsites, where players can also craft items and upgrades. The lack of traditional leveling after battles is seen as a refreshing change, as it encourages exploration and engagement with the world over mindless grinding.

❤ Crafting and Base-Building

The base-building element allows players to construct and decorate a village, unlocking new buildings and amenities as they advance through the story. While not a deep system, many reviewers have found the base-building to be a relaxing and enjoyable diversion. The crafting system, which enables the creation of food, equipment, and other items, is also praised for its simplicity and integration with the overall gameplay loop.

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