
by Metalcat Interactive Co.,Ltd

The Developer Says...

Grimlord is a dark fantasy action RPG built for VR. Use every type of weaponry and armaments with full customization and limitless move sets to annihilate anyone who dares to stand between you and your destiny

Players Like...

❤ Combat and Weapon Mechanics

Players praise the "crisp" and "satisfying" combat, noting the weapons' realistic weight and handling. One-handed swords, two-handed axes, and other armaments all feel true to their real-world counterparts. The parrying system works exceptionally well, with players rarely encountering issues with the detection. Shields provide a valuable tool, though blocking too many attacks in quick succession will cause the player's controller to vibrate, eventually forcing them to drop the shield. The combat requires a methodical, "souls-like" approach, as enemies do not simply crumple from a few quick strikes. Timing, spacing, and learning attack patterns are crucial to success. The variety of weapon types and the ability to customize them through the crafting system add significant depth to the combat.

❤ Bosses and Enemy Design

Boss fights stand out as a particular highlight, with each encounter presenting a unique, custom-designed challenge. When players break a boss's "posture" meter, this can trigger unique effects or vulnerabilities that they must then capitalize on. The enemy design in general is well-crafted, with each foe presenting distinct attack patterns that players must learn to overcome.

❤ Progression and Customization

The ability to craft and customize weapons through a mix-and-match system of parts allows players to create their own unique combat styles and playstyles, further reinforcing the "souls-like" nature of the experience. While the skill progression system is currently relatively simple, focusing on attributes like health, strength, and magic, players are hopeful that this will be expanded upon in future updates.

❤ Atmosphere and Exploration

The dark fantasy setting and atmospheric presentation create an immersive and engaging world to explore. The ability to see distant landmarks, like the castle, and then make your way towards them generates a strong sense of progression and exploration. The level design, with its interconnected shortcuts and carefully-placed save points, is likened to the "Souls-style map loop" that fans of the genre have come to appreciate.

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