Killer Frequency

by Team17 Digital

The Developer Says...

Killer Frequency is a first-person horror puzzle game set in 1987, that puts you in the role of a late-night radio talk show host in small town America whose callers are being stalked by a mysterious killer.

Players Like...

❤ Puzzle Solving and Decision-Making

Players must decipher codes, decrypt messages, and manipulate the station's equipment and electronics to help callers survive. The consequences of their decisions directly impact the outcome, creating a sense of tension and urgency. For example, players may need to identify a caller's location by cross-referencing clues or use the sound effects board to guide a victim to safety.

❤ Exploration and Interactivity

The meticulously crafted 1980s radio station encourages thorough exploration, with players able to engage with various interactive elements, such as the record player, cassette deck, and sound effects board. Interacting with these objects not only adds to the immersive atmosphere but can also provide valuable information or tools to aid the player's efforts.

❤ Branching Narratives and Replayability

The game's non-linear storytelling features multiple branching paths and endings, determined by the player's choices and actions. This high degree of replayability allows players to experience different outcomes and narratives based on their decision-making. For instance, saving a particular character in one playthrough may lead to a drastically different sequence of events in the next.

❤ Tension and Pacing

While not a traditional horror game, the title effectively creates a sense of tension and unease through its atmospheric audio design and the constant threat of the killer. The pacing is well-balanced, with moments of relative calm punctuated by intense, time-sensitive challenges that keep players on the edge of their seats. For example, a caller may be trapped in a maze, and players must quickly guide them to safety before the killer catches up.

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