Come See My Hole

by Trip Time Games

The Developer Says...

The Metaverse, NFT's, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Web3. Come See My Hole is none of these things. In Come See My Hole, you stand next to a hole in the ground.

Players Like...

❤ Shared Experiences with Friends

Players can invite up to 3 friends through Steam to join them in the game
Allows for open-ended, casual conversations and interactions with friends
Evokes nostalgic feelings of gaming together during adolescence, with players reminiscing about practices like waiting for friends to finish "certain activities" before playing

❤ Flexible and Customizable Gameplay

Beyond just conversing, players can make various noises, play music, tell jokes, or simply remain silent
Enables players to shape the experience to their preferences and mood
Subverts expectations by providing a minimalist premise that allows for diverse player-driven activities

❤ Humorous and Self-Aware Presentation

The game's marketing copy directly acknowledges that it is "none of these things" (Metaverse, NFTs, VR, etc.), setting up a tongue-in-cheek contrast
User reviews embrace the absurdity and mundanity of the game's core concept, often with ironic or exaggerated praise
Players appreciate the game's self-aware approach that delivers exactly what it promises, without any pretense

❤ Depth and Reflection

Some players find deeper meaning in the game's simple premise, seeing it as a metaphysical commentary on the nature of gaming and existence
The game sparks imagination and introspection, with players pondering the significance of the "hole" and their shared experience

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