Solium Infernum

by League of Geeks

The Developer Says...

Take the Infernal Throne in this hellish turn-based grand strategy game. The Prince of Darkness has vanished, leaving Archfiends to conspire: muster your legions while intoning dark sorceries, devilish schemes, and machiavellian plots. Who will be the new ruler of Hell and ascend the Throne?

Players Like...

❤ Turn-Based Strategy and Limited Actions

As powerful Archfiends, players must carefully manage their limited actions each turn. With only a few moves to make, every decision carries significant weight and consequence. This scarcity of actions forces players to prioritize their options, whether it's mustering infernal legions, invoking dark sorceries, or engaging in political maneuvering. The slow-paced, turn-based nature of the gameplay encourages thoughtful planning and strategic foresight, as players attempt to outmaneuver their rivals.

❤ Devilish Diplomacy and Intricate Deception

At the core of the experience lies an intricate diplomatic system that rewards cunning and deception. Players can issue bold demands, forge false orders to manipulate their opponents, hurl insulting challenges, and even engage in ceremonial duels. Successful players must get into the minds of their rivals, anticipating their moves and positioning themselves to take advantage of shifting alliances and betrayals. The game's emphasis on backstabbing and political machinations creates a constant state of suspicion and mistrust among players.

❤ Customizable Archfiends and Progression

Each playable Archfiend offers a unique set of abilities, attributes, and playstyles, allowing players to tailor their approach to the game. As they progress, players can invest in various skill trees, developing their Archfiend's sorceries, diplomatic prowess, or military might. The acquisition of powerful artifacts, the summoning of titanic infernal creatures, and the recruitment of formidable champions further expand the strategic depth and replayability.

❤ Asynchronous Multiplayer and Extended Scheming

The game's multiplayer component, particularly the asynchronous mode, is a standout feature. Players can engage in long-running, turn-based matches with up to six participants, allowing them to carefully consider their moves and plot their schemes over an extended period. The asynchronous nature of the gameplay enables players to fit the game into their schedules, making it accessible for those with limited gaming time. The emphasis on player interaction, with in-game messaging and the ability to coordinate alliances or issue challenges, adds to the sense of devilish camaraderie and competition.

❤ Immersive Atmosphere of Milton-Inspired Hell

The game's setting in a dark, gothic interpretation of Hell, inspired by the works of Milton, creates a deeply immersive atmosphere. The artwork, sound design, and rich flavor text all contribute to a pervasive sense of malevolence and political intrigue, fully immersing players in the role of their Archfiend as they indulge their Machiavellian tendencies and unleash their inner demons.

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