
by Nevosoft, Best Place Apps

The Developer Says...

Supercow is a hilarious dynamic arcade game with an exciting plot for the whole family. If you like Platformers and Runners, you'll definitely enjoy it!

Players Like...

❤ Platforming and Traversal

Players control the titular Supercow character, tasking them with traversing each level by jumping across platforms, over obstacles, and onto the heads of various enemies. The platforming feels tight and responsive, allowing players to make precise jumps to reach higher areas or avoid pits. The game incorporates different environmental elements like clouds and mattresses that players can use to reach hidden areas or shortcuts.

❤ Enemy Encounters

During each level, players must defeat a variety of enemy characters, including snails, dogs, moles, crows, and spiders. Defeating these enemies simply requires jumping on their heads, adding a satisfying "bounce" mechanic to the combat. Defeating enemies is crucial not just for progressing through levels, but also for collecting valuable items like coins and power-ups.

❤ Power-ups and Collectibles

Throughout the levels, players can find an assortment of collectible items to gather, such as coins, gold bars, fruit, extra life hearts, and cartons of "supermilk" that replenish the Supercow's health. The game also features hidden "super-bonuses" sprinkled around, incentivizing thorough exploration and completionist play.

❤ Accessibility and Difficulty

According to reviews, the developers have designed the game to be more accessible and friendly to casual players compared to other titles in the platformer/arcade genre. Players describe the difficulty as "easy" and "not too difficult", making it suitable for all ages and skill levels. This approachable difficulty curve allows the game to be enjoyed by a wide audience, from young children to nostalgic adult players.

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