Superpowered detective noir. Maverick detective Ruka Hiryu pursues criminals by day—and ices perps by night...
The visual novel format means players primarily read through the story and make occasional choices that impact the narrative. The game does not feature traditional gameplay mechanics like puzzles or combat, instead focusing on the story, characters, and world-building.
Players encounter a limited number of choice points where they can make decisions that affect the story. However, reviewers note these choices have relatively minor impact, describing the experience as more "kinetic novel" than branching narrative.
Players take on the role of police detective Ruka Hiryu as he pursues criminal cases and uncovers clues and mysteries. Reviewers praised this aspect, noting it drives the noir-style narrative and superpowered fantasy setting.
Ruka possesses ice-based powers that he struggles to control, adding tension and drama to the story. Reviewers enjoyed blending detective work with these supernatural elements.
Many felt the sequel was shorter than the first game, leading to a rushed pace, though others still found the story engaging despite the compact length.