Etrian Odyssey III HD


The Developer Says...

Set sail to an undersea labyrinth in search of the Deep City of Armoroad! Lead a party of adventurers to explore the vast dungeon in search of untold technology, treasure, and lost secrets.

Players Like...

❤ Exploration and Mapping

Players praise the intuitive mapping mechanics, which capture the feel of the original DS version while adapting well to the PC platform. Using the mouse or controller, players carefully draw and mark the terrain, walls, shortcuts, and other important features as they progress through the vast Yggdrasil Labyrinth. This encourages attentive observation, as players must remember the layout of each floor to safely navigate back to the surface.

❤ Party Building and Class Customization

The game features a diverse roster of classes, each with unique skills and abilities. Players can create a party of up to 5 characters, freely mixing and matching classes to build the ideal team for their playstyle. The introduction of subclassing further expands the options, allowing characters to take on a secondary class and unlock powerful new abilities. Reviewers highlight how this deep class system and party customization is a core part of the game's appeal, enabling players to experiment with different team compositions.

❤ Combat and Difficulty

The turn-based combat is praised for its depth and challenge. Enemies can inflict debilitating status effects and target specific party members, requiring players to carefully manage their resources and employ strategic tactics. The game's "Expert" difficulty is noted as a core part of the experience, with reviewers describing the sense of accomplishment that comes from overcoming the game's tough battles. Status effects and weaknesses play a significant role, encouraging players to understand enemy patterns and optimize their party's skills and abilities.

❤ Progression and Customization

As players delve deeper into the labyrinth, they are able to gradually strengthen their party through leveling up, acquiring new gear, and unlocking more powerful skills. The game's progression system, with its skill trees and gear upgrades, allows for a great deal of customization and optimization. Reviewers note that this sense of gradual empowerment and the ability to fine-tune one's party is immensely satisfying, creating a rewarding loop of exploration, combat, and character growth.

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