Laika: Aged Through Blood

by Brainwash Gang, Thunderful Publishing

The Developer Says...

Laika: Aged Through Blood is a western-inspired motorvania set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. It is the story about a tribe oppressed by occupant forces, and the personal story of a mother coyote warrior who descends on an endless path of vengeance to take back what her people lost.

Players Like...

❤ Unique Motorbike Mechanics

The game's primary focus is its unique motorbike mechanics. Players control a motorbike to navigate the post-apocalyptic world and engage in combat. The developer blends metroidvania-style exploration with an emphasis on mastering the motorbike's handling. To avoid instant death, players must carefully balance and maneuver the bike. Performing tricks like backflips and frontflips is core to the gameplay loop - backflips reload weapons, while frontflips refresh the bike's parry ability. Reviews highlight how satisfying it is to perfect these bike mechanics and trick combinations. Reviewers praise the motorbike controls as tight and responsive, with the shooting, flipping, and dodging gameplay feeling polished and skill-based. Many liken the combat to "Katana ZERO," requiring players to precisely time their actions and learn enemy attack patterns.

❤ Engaging Bullet-Time Shooting

The game supplements the unique motorbike mechanics with a "bullet-time" shooting system. When players hold the trigger, time slows, allowing them to carefully aim their shots and react to incoming fire. This slow-motion shooting, combined with the need to perform reloading flips, creates an engaging combat flow. Reviewers highlight the satisfaction of chaining together precision shots, backflips, and parries to take down groups of enemies. The variety of weapon types, including revolvers, shotguns, and crossbows, provides strategic options for different playstyles.

❤ Challenging yet Rewarding Gameplay

While the motorbike and shooting mechanics are highlights, the game has a steep learning curve and can be quite challenging. Players often need to retry sections multiple times to master the gameplay. However, most reviewers feel the difficulty is fair and ultimately very rewarding. Overcoming challenges, like tricky boss fights or precise platforming, provides a major sense of accomplishment. The trial-and-error nature, while frustrating at times, is seen as contributing to the overall satisfying experience. Reviewers praise how the gameplay remains fresh and engaging throughout, with new mechanics and challenges continuously introduced to keep players on their toes.

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