Slice & Dice

by Tann

The Developer Says...

Tactical dice-rolling roguelike combat. Take control of 5 heroes, each with their own unique dice. Fight your way through 20 levels of monsters and try to take on the final boss. If you lose a single fight you have to start over so be careful (and lucky!).

Players Like...

❤ Tactical Dice-Rolling Mechanics

In each combat, players roll 5 specialized six-sided dice representing their party members. Players can then lock in certain die results and reroll the remaining dice up to 2 times. This creates a tactical decision-making process, as players must carefully consider which dice to lock and which to reroll in order to optimize their party's actions against the enemy.

❤ Rewarding Synergies and Combos

One of the key aspects that players love is the ability to create powerful synergies and combos between the game's 128+ unique hero classes and their dice abilities. As players unlock new heroes and over 400 items, they can experiment with various combinations to discover devastating combo attacks and effects. Discovering and executing these creative combos is extremely satisfying and a major source of the game's depth and replayability.

❤ In-Depth Character Progression

Between battles, players can upgrade their heroes by choosing from a selection of class upgrades or equipping new items. These upgrades can significantly alter the capabilities of each hero, allowing players to fine-tune their party composition and playstyle. With a vast array of options to discover, players are continuously incentivized to experiment and find the optimal builds for each run.

❤ Mitigating Randomness

While the game fundamentally relies on dice rolls, the developers have implemented clever mechanics to help mitigate the impact of pure randomness. Players can undo actions and reroll specific dice, allowing them to work around unlucky rolls. Additionally, the game's focus on strategic decision-making means that skill and planning can often overcome chance. This balance of randomness and player agency is widely praised by reviewers as it creates a satisfying and challenging experience.

❤ Flexible Difficulty and Modes

The game offers a wide variety of difficulty settings and game modes to accommodate players of all skill levels. The core "normal" mode provides a solid challenge, but the game also features harder "unfair" and "brutal" difficulties for more experienced players seeking a greater test of their tactical abilities. Additionally, the numerous alternate game modes introduce unique rules and objectives, further expanding the replay value and allowing players to tailor the experience to their preferences.

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