Automobilista 2

by Reiza Studios

The Developer Says...

Automobilista 2 once again puts you in the driving seat of an advanced and diverse racing simulator - now with incredible graphical quality, high-profile cars and tracks, advanced dynamic track condition system and VR support.

Players Like...

❤ Realistic and Dynamic Driving Experience

Players praise the game for delivering a highly realistic and dynamic driving experience. The advanced physics and tire models provide a level of fidelity that closely mirrors real-world driving. With the force feedback, players can feel the car's handling characteristics and the changes in track conditions, allowing them to instinctively anticipate and react to the car's behavior. The dynamic track system is a standout feature, with the surface evolving realistically over a session. Rubber builds up in the racing line, while marbles and dirt accumulate off-line. Rain and changing weather conditions further impact grip levels, with puddles forming and drying out in a convincing manner. This level of environmental realism heightens the immersion and challenge for players.

❤ Diverse Car and Track Selection

The game caters to a wide range of motorsport enthusiasts, offering a vast array of car and track content to explore. From modern GT and open-wheel machinery to historic Formula 1 and IndyCar cars, the quality of the car models and the authentic driving characteristics of each vehicle are consistently praised. The track selection spans circuits across five continents, many of which are replicated with a high degree of accuracy, allowing players to experience the nuances of legendary racing venues. The inclusion of both modern and historic track layouts further expands the gameplay possibilities.

❤ Customizable Racing Experience

The game empowers players to tailor their racing experience through features like adjustable tire wear, fuel usage, weather conditions, and the ability to recreate historical weather data from specific dates. This level of control over the racing environment caters to both casual and hardcore sim racing enthusiasts, allowing them to fine-tune the experience to their preferences. Players can create custom championships, historical recreations, and even completely unique events, showcasing the game's flexibility.

❤ Robust Multiplayer and AI

The game provides a solid multiplayer experience, with players able to easily set up lobbies and servers to race against friends. The dedicated server option ensures a stable online environment. The AI opponents are praised for their competitiveness and realistic behavior, making mistakes, defending their position, and reacting to the player's actions in a convincing manner. This creates an engaging and challenging racing experience, even for players who prefer to compete against the computer.

❤ Continuous Development and Support

The developers at Reiza Studios consistently release updates and new content, demonstrating their commitment to improving the game and addressing community feedback. The regular addition of new cars, tracks, and features showcases the developer's dedication to continuously expanding and refining the experience.

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