
by Pomelo Games

The Developer Says...

Welcome to the Outlands! A faraway place where work is hard but rewarding, where people dream big but stay grounded, where friends become family, and settlements become cities.

Players Like...

❤ Engaging Mission-Based Campaign

The campaign mode presents players with a series of increasingly complex, mission-based levels, each with unique goals and challenges. As players progress, the game organically unlocks new buildings, mechanics, and stories, keeping the gameplay fresh and compelling. Reviewers appreciate how the campaign structure avoids the need to continuously expand a single colony, which can lead to boredom.

❤ Strategic Resource Management

At the core of the gameplay is the need to effectively manage a variety of resources, such as food, materials, and labor. Players must carefully balance the production and distribution of these resources to meet the needs of their growing population. The game's strategic depth lies in optimizing resource flows and making tough decisions when supplies run low.

❤ Indirect Control over Followers

Unlike many city-building games, this title does not allow players to directly control their followers. Instead, players must place buildings, manage resources, and set work priorities, then observe as the followers autonomously decide where to live and which jobs to take. This indirect control system encourages players to nudge their followers in the right direction through decrees and building prioritization, rather than micromanaging their every action.

❤ Decrees and Challenges

The game introduces "Decrees" as a unique mechanic that allows players to bend the rules to their advantage, such as forcing longer work hours or tighter resource consumption. However, these Decrees often come at the expense of follower happiness, requiring players to weigh the tradeoffs carefully. The game also presents various challenges and optional objectives that add an extra layer of complexity and replayability.

❤ Charming, Immersive Atmosphere

Reviewers praise the game's vibrant, atmospheric landscapes and detailed character designs, which create a charming, cozy, and whimsical experience. The rich sound design, featuring unique soundscapes for each biome and an uplifting musical score, further contributes to the immersive experience.

❤ Balanced Difficulty and Pacing

Players appreciate the well-balanced difficulty curve, with early levels providing a gentle introduction to the game's mechanics and later stages offering more challenging, puzzle-like scenarios. The game's pacing, where levels can be completed in roughly 20 minutes to an hour, allows for both short bursts of gameplay and longer, more immersive sessions.

❤ Sandbox Customization

The Sandbox mode grants players full access to the game's catalog of buildings and mechanics, enabling greater creativity and customization. This mode allows players to craft their own unique Outlands experience with personalized goals and rules.

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