
by Triomatica Games

The Developer Says...

Boxville is an adventure puzzle game about speechless cans living in the city of boxes and drawing doodles on cardboards to tell the stories. Made in Ukraine.

Players Like...

❤ Engaging Puzzle Gameplay

Players praise the well-designed and engaging puzzles in this adventure game. The variety of logical puzzles and mini-games tightly integrate with the story and exploration. Reviewers report the puzzles strike a good balance, challenging players to use deductive reasoning and experiment with environmental interactions, without becoming overly frustrating.

❤ Seamless Blending of Gameplay and Narrative

Many players highlight how the puzzle elements seamlessly weave into the narrative and exploration of the game world. Puzzles arise naturally from interacting with the environment and characters, creating a cohesive experience where gameplay and story complement each other. This design choice immerses players in the world while also challenging their problem-solving skills.

❤ Relaxing and Stress-Free Exploration

The developers specifically designed the gameplay to provide a relaxing and stress-free experience. The game encourages a leisurely pace, with no time pressure or penalties, allowing players to fully absorb the charming atmosphere and unique visual style without feeling rushed or anxious.

❤ Accessible and Intuitive Controls

Reviewers praise the accessible and intuitive control scheme, which makes it easy to interact with the game world and solve puzzles. The straightforward point-and-click mechanics are responsive, enabling players to smoothly navigate the environment and manipulate objects with ease, creating a seamless and enjoyable gameplay experience.

❤ Variety in Puzzle Types

While the puzzles are consistently well-designed, players appreciate the variety in puzzle types presented throughout the game. The challenges range from logic-based problems to more dexterity-focused mini-games, ensuring the gameplay remains fresh and engaging, and preventing the puzzles from feeling repetitive.

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