
by 蒐藏馆工作室, MedusasGame

The Developer Says...

往事,往往会在淡化甚至遗忘时,以一种很难被人察觉的形态,影响着人们的生活。 这种现象叫做“后忆效应”。 而一段火车鸣笛,勾起了一位叫杨树的潦倒咨询师的过去,为了追寻自己身上的“往事”,他选择回到了自己的家乡---雾山镇。在那里,有个无比诡异的恐怖世界正在等待他的到来…… 反馈交流群:811121403

Players Like...

❤ Players Freely Explore Detailed Environments

The game's "full-panoramic exploration" system allows players to freely roam through its various locales, such as the foggy town of Wushan and the protagonist's childhood home. This encourages players to closely examine their surroundings, search for clues, and become fully immersed in the game's setting. The "walking simulation" mechanic makes the protagonist's movements feel grounded and natural, further enhancing the exploration experience.

❤ Players Respond to Tense QTE Sequences

At dramatic moments, the game presents Quick-Time Event (QTE) sequences that challenge players to quickly input the correct commands. These QTE segments increase tension as players must rapidly react to progress through the story's pivotal events, testing their reflexes under pressure.

❤ Players Solve Logical Puzzles

Interspersed throughout the narrative are a variety of puzzles that require logical thinking, observation, and sometimes lateral problem-solving skills to overcome. Solving these brain teasers, which range in difficulty, provides a satisfying sense of accomplishment and propels the unfolding mystery forward.

❤ Players Navigate Branching Narrative Pathways

The game features a nonlinear storyline with multiple possible endings. Players' choices and actions shape the narrative, leading to divergent paths and encouraging replayability as they attempt to uncover all the potential outcomes and see how their decisions impact the resolution of the mystery.

❤ Realistic Aesthetic Enhances Atmospheric Tension

The game's realistic art design, which blends authentic locations with detailed character illustrations, creates a strong sense of time and place. Combined with the immersive exploration and puzzle-solving mechanics, this grounded aesthetic contributes to an overall atmosphere of psychological unease, befitting the horror-tinged mystery at the heart of the experience.

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