
by Emberheart Games, Apogee Entertainment

The Developer Says...

Wizordum is a retro FPS that puts you in the role of a Mage on a quest to track down the source of Chaos. With a wide arsenal of spells and magic items, battle your way through the world of Terrabruma in this unique blend of classic 90s shooters and modern gaming elements.

Players Like...

❤ Combat and Weapons

Combat revolves around fast-paced, frenetic battles against a variety of fantasy creatures and enemies. Players wield a diverse arsenal of magical weapons and spells, including a melee mace, a fireball spell, a freezing frost staff, a rapid-fire projectile, and a powerful "wizard grenade" for area-of-effect damage. Reviews praise the combat as satisfying, with smooth controls and a good sense of weight to the various attacks. The different weapon types offer a mix of playstyles, forcing players to adapt their approach to different foes.

❤ Exploration and Level Design

Exploration and non-linear level design are key draws. The large, complex mazes are filled with secret areas, hidden treasures, destructible environments, and puzzles to solve. Reviewers highlight the joy of "wall-hugging" and meticulously searching for these cleverly concealed rewards. The vibrant, colorful environments and sense of adventurous discovery are consistently praised, with the inclusion of a map marker helping to balance open-ended exploration and clear progression.

❤ Replayability and Speedrunning

Beyond the main campaign, the game features a robust level editor that allows players to create and share their own custom adventures. This, combined with an emphasis on speedrunning and leaderboard competition, provides a high degree of replayability. Reviewers note the addictive nature of the fast-paced combat, intricate level design, and drive to uncover secrets and achieve the best times.

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