moon: Remix RPG Adventure

by Onion Games

The Developer Says...

Don't be a hero. Experience the love. Experience moon. moon is an anti-RPG steeped in story and character, mood and music.

Players Like...

❤ Flipping the Script on the Heroic Archetype

Rather than following the typical RPG hero who battles monsters and defeats a final boss, this game casts players in the role of an invisible boy tasked with undoing the destruction caused by the game's "hero" - a murderous, experience-grinding menace. Players must explore the game world, interact with quirky NPCs, and collect "love" to reunite the souls of the slain creatures with their bodies.

❤ Puzzle-Solving and Exploration at the Forefront

Instead of combat, the gameplay focuses heavily on solving puzzles and open-ended exploration. The game world is filled with characters, each with their own schedules and secrets to uncover. Progressing involves piecing together clues, observing patterns, and experimenting with different interactions. Reviews praise the slow, contemplative pace that encourages players to fully immerse themselves in the world and its inhabitants, navigating the day/night and weekly cycles to discover when and where events occur.

❤ Love as the Driving Force

The primary objective is to collect "love" throughout the game world by interacting with NPCs and saving the souls of slain creatures. Love functions as the game's XP system, gradually increasing the amount of time the player character can remain active each day before collapsing from exhaustion. This love-based progression system directly contrasts the violent methods of the heroic archetype, rewarding players for accumulating compassion rather than raw power.

❤ Customizable Soundtracks

The game's "Music Disc" (MD) system allows players to create their own playlists from the various musical tracks, encouraging exploration of the audio offerings and the ability to curate a personalized audio experience to accompany their adventures. Reviewers praise this feature as a clever way to enhance the game's atmosphere and mood.

❤ Subverting Tradition

The unconventional, puzzle-focused gameplay of "moon: Remix RPG Adventure" is a key part of its distinctive charm and appeal. By committing to subvert traditional RPG tropes and encourage a more contemplative, exploratory style of play, the game offers a truly unique experience that has garnered a devoted following among fans.

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