
by Krafted Games

The Developer Says...

Polygod is a rogue-like, randomly generated, single & multiplayer FPS with a brutal difficulty curve.

Players Like...

❤ Unique Rogue-like Experience

Every playthrough of this rogue-like FPS offers a unique experience. The game's "seed" system randomizes levels, enemy placements, and power-ups (called "blessings"), ensuring a fresh challenge with each new run. This randomization extends to the 7 boss battles against "Holy Champions", providing a constantly evolving set of obstacles for players to overcome.

❤ Intricate Blessing System

The core of the gameplay revolves around the blessing system. Players can acquire over 100 unique blessings at various altars throughout the levels and strategically combine them to create unique gun effects and playstyles. Examples include firing proximity mines, launching bubbles that explode on contact, and even equipping a gun that shoots 3 laser-fast bullets at once. This depth of customization allows players to tailor their build to suit their preferred playstyle.

❤ Challenging, Fast-paced Gameplay

Gameplay blends the fast-paced, strafing combat of classic FPS titles like Quake with the punishing difficulty of rogue-likes. Enemies exhibit diverse attack patterns, forcing players to employ quick reflexes and strategic movement to overcome each encounter. The game's emphasis on aggressive, "Quake-esque" gunplay requires players to masterfully strafe and dodge incoming fire.

❤ Replayability and Progression

The combination of randomized levels, blessings, and unlockable characters contributes to the game's strong replayability. Each run presents a new challenge, and players are incentivized to experiment with different builds and strategies to conquer the increasingly difficult trials. Furthermore, the progression system that unlocks new playable characters allows players to further diversify their experience with unique playstyles and abilities.

❤ Community Engagement and Developer Support

The developers, Krafted Games, are praised for their active engagement with the community. Players appreciate the studio's responsiveness to feedback and their commitment to regularly updating the game, addressing balance issues, and implementing community-requested features. This dedication to improving the player experience has fostered a positive relationship between the developers and the game's fanbase.

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