Inspector Schmidt - A Bavarian Tale

by Active Fungus Studios

The Developer Says...

In a third-person RPG detective story, set in Bavaria in 1866, the medical student Valentin Schmidt travels to Wolpertshofen, when a sudden death causes turmoil in the village. Use your skills, find clues and question the villagers to stop the murders.

Players Like...

❤ Immersive 1860s Bavarian Setting

The game transports players to the pastoral, small-town setting of Wolpertshofen, a meticulously crafted 19th century Bavarian village. Reviewers praised the developers' attention to historical accuracy, with many noting the captivating Bavarian dialect, regional music, and true-to-life cultural details that make the environment feel genuinely lived-in.

❤ Dialogue-Driven Investigations

At the core of the gameplay is an extensive dialogue system that allows players to question the various villagers, collect clues, and shape the course of the narrative. Reviewers highlighted the significant impact of dialogue choices on the story, creating a strong sense of agency in unraveling the mystery.

❤ Skill Checks Add Tension to Critical Moments

The game incorporates RPG-style skill checks during pivotal scenes, requiring players to roll virtual dice to succeed at tasks like persuading characters or searching for evidence. While some reviewers found this mechanic frustrating due to the element of chance, many appreciated the sense of tension and the need to carefully manage and improve the protagonist's abilities.

❤ Players Craft Useful Items to Aid Their Investigation

Throughout their exploration of Wolpertshofen, players can discover various items and use a crafting system to create objects that provide benefits during skill checks or other situations. Reviewers noted that this system, though not overly complex, adds an additional layer of strategy and resource management to the gameplay.

❤ Captivating Atmosphere Enhances the Investigative Experience

Beyond the core investigation, players can freely explore the charming village, discovering its hidden nooks and crannies. Reviewers consistently praised the developers' ability to create a palpable sense of place, with many citing the immersive Bavarian dialect and folk music as standout highlights that heighten the atmospheric experience.

❤ Multiple Endings Encourage Replayability

The game features several possible endings based on the choices and actions taken by the player, incentivizing multiple playthroughs to experience the divergent narrative paths. Reviewers appreciated the level of depth and the sense of consequence associated with their decisions.

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