Another Tomorrow

by Glitch Games

The Developer Says...

Another Tomorrow is a first-person point and click game. Trapped without your memories you’ll explore abandoned apartments, airfields, temples, and underground facilities to search for clues, solve puzzles, and unlock secrets to answer the question; who are you?

Players Like...

❤ Game Mechanics and Design

Innovative use of the in-game camera, allowing players to take photos of clues and use them to solve puzzles. This seamless integration of photography and puzzle-solving is a standout feature.
Thoughtfully designed inventory system with a horizontal bar for easy access, improving the flow of gameplay.
Comprehensive and helpful hint system that provides just the right amount of guidance without spoiling the satisfaction of solving puzzles.

❤ Narrative and Storytelling

Compelling mystery and "love and loss" narrative that keeps players engaged and invested in uncovering the protagonist's identity and backstory.
Subtle use of humor and wordplay throughout the dialogue, adding personality and depth to the otherwise somber tone.
Effective use of an ambiguous narrator to convey the protagonist's disorientation and amnesia, immersing players in the character's perspective.

❤ Exploration and Immersion

Diverse range of abandoned environments, from apartments to airfields to temples, each with a distinct atmosphere and environmental storytelling elements.
Smooth transition between the diorama-style overview and the first-person exploration, creating a sense of depth and immersion.
Careful attention to environmental details that reward players for close observation and exploration.

❤ Developer Reputation and Quality

Glitch Games' reputation for creating high-quality, clever, and humorous puzzle games, which sets a strong expectation for the overall quality of "Another Tomorrow".
Developers' responsiveness to player feedback, including patching technical issues and providing personalized assistance, demonstrating a commitment to player satisfaction.
Polished and well-crafted nature of the game, despite its smaller indie scale, suggesting a high level of attention to detail and care in the development process.

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