Purge the graveyard from the forces of Evil by using your typing skills.
You take on the role of a knight tasked with purging a graveyard of evil forces. The core gameplay revolves around typing out words that appear above enemy characters in order to defeat them. The knight automatically walks forward, and enemies spawn in waves, requiring you to type quickly and accurately to survive.
The game features three difficulty settings - easy, medium, and hard. As the difficulty increases, the words become longer and more obscure, challenging even experienced typists. The game gradually introduces new enemy types, including slow-moving skeletons with simple words, faster-moving bats with short, quick words, ghostly enemies that require you to type a defensive word to block their attacks, and sorcerer enemies that require alternating between attacking and defending.
One standout feature is the ability to import custom text, allowing you to practice typing with your own content, giving the game near-endless replayability for those looking to improve their skills.
As you defeat enemies, you earn points that are multiplied based on the distance of the enemy from the knight. This score-attack style of gameplay encourages you to type as quickly and accurately as possible to achieve high scores. The game also tracks various statistics, such as words per minute, to help you monitor your progress.
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