Book of Travels

by Might and Delight

The Developer Says...

Ready your pack, grab your walking stick and step into a world of mystery and legend. Craft a unique character and immerse yourself in the enchanted lands of Braided Shore. Set your own goals and adventure alone or together with Travellers you meet on the road in this serene TMORPG.

Players Like...

❤ Exploration and Discovery

As you wander the richly detailed world of Braided Shore, you'll delight in stumbling upon new sights and mysteries. The game eschews quest markers and linear objectives, instead encouraging you to pay close attention to your surroundings and piece together information from conversations and environmental clues. You might discover an unmapped underground passageway, happen upon a lively tavern with illegal gaming at night, or overhear a conversation about a dead politician in the locked-down city of Kasa. This emphasis on organic exploration and discovery lies at the heart of the game's appeal.

❤ Narrative and Roleplay

Rather than following a predefined storyline, you create your own narratives through a robust character creator and your interactions with the world. You can develop a backstory, personality, and character traits that shape how you engage with the environment and other NPCs. Do you play as a danger-seeking adventurer, a stoic practitioner of magic binding, or a carefree tea-drinking gambler? The game's lack of hand-holding allows you to define your own motivations and goals, whether that's unraveling a specific mystery or simply savoring the journey of exploration.

❤ Emergent Multiplayer Encounters

While the game is primarily a solo experience, you may occasionally cross paths with other travelers on the road. Without any ability to directly communicate beyond simple emotes, these chance encounters foster a unique form of unscripted social gameplay. You can choose to collaborate, compete, or simply go your separate ways, but the rarity of these meetings makes each one feel special and memorable. You might spend hours travelling together, forging a temporary fellowship that leaves a lasting impression.

❤ Skill and Progression Systems

Character progression in the game is not centered around linear leveling or gear upgrades, but rather the gradual unlocking and mastery of a vast pool of diverse abilities and skills. You can invest in a wide range of passive and active skills, from practical abilities like foraging and fishing to more fantastical magical spells and transformations. The way these skills interact and synergize allows for a high degree of customization and emergent gameplay, as you discover novel ways to tackle challenges. Progression is primarily tied to exploration and discovery, with new skills often being learned through chance encounters or the completion of open-ended objectives.

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